Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tidy and things.

Working on a portrait of Tidy the cat, 19 years old!
Perplexed by 80 degree sunshine during Winter.
Having a t-shirt tan and a sleeveless bridesmaid dress to wear in a couple of weeks (oh no!)
Putting Felix's crate in the attic because he has grown up enough not to eat my running shoes. :)
Relaxing during a trip to Florida with wonderful friends. bike rides. cocktails. beaching. (aloe gel)
Loving the 'Hunger Games' Trilogy, that I cannot put down.
Recovering from a BodyPump session. Triceps, I'm sorry.
Celebrating my rediscovery of sake. Chin chin!
Happy March!


  1. I love how you picked up the colors in the fur in this one! Great job.... nancy

  2. LOVE the cat, the colours and textures. And I'm with you on the Hunger Games.

  3. He's lovely and so good for his age!

  4. Didn't realize that the dogs had a cat to play with. Good luck on the tan!

  5. Why, thank you thank you!
    Sandra, I cannot boast that Tidy belongs to me, if he did you can bet my blog posts would be full of him! I drew this at the request of my Auntie, whose friend is the proud owner of Mister Tidy.

  6. Your drawing definitely does justice to the pretty kitty. You really captured the luxuriousness of her fur. Thanks for the close-up--it helps me see your process better.

  7. you have such a wonderful and unique way of using markers.

  8. Awesome illustration! I love the details, and the colors is just mind blowing! =)

  9. Just catching up - lovely work. In fact, 'bang tidy' as the phrase goes in Manchester :)

  10. Your portrait of Tidy is amazing. Your marks and colors are brilliant. You are so artful with markers and mine just stay in a box...
