Thursday, March 1, 2012

What a difference a Year (or two) Makes

The boys have had birthdays

Rudy Sharkface BooBoo Strudel Pooder BigBum Neumann has turned two.

Felix the rat the bat the cat, Fluffy Fifficus Toodles Neumann has reached the ripe old age of one.

Happiest Birthdays, boys! High five, shake hands, roll over!


  1. Time sure goes by far to fast, really good looking.

    Here is happy birthday wishes from my Charlie "woof, woof, woof, grrrr woof, woof, sniff sniff, woof!!!!!"

  2. Happy birthday to the boys, and I'm so happy that Forrest is home! Tell him thank you for me from the bottom of my heart.... and thanks to you too! nancy
