Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Just a month until Forrest returns home from Afghanistan! In the meantime, the boys and I are enjoying the festive season as best we know how. That is to say, eating a lot of cookies (something the three of us can agree on!).

also, I took the printing press for a spin and made my cards again this year. The poor dogs were covered in glitter for a week afterwards (doesn't really help with the tough-guy impression!)
Wishing you a very merry Christmas!
with love from Lou, Rudy, Felix and Bob the turtle



  1. And Merry Christmas to you. Also, thank you to your husband for his service.

  2. Great new look for your header of your blog, and as always, your dogs are really cute. I like the cards (I love hand made cards). I bet you cant wait for Forrest to return and I wish his safe return home. Happy Christmas to you & puppies.


  3. Your cards look really good...have a happy Christmas!

  4. I'm just back from a trip and trying to catch up on blogs I follow. I'm excited for you that Forrest will be home soon! I hope your Christmas with the boys was a good one! Your cards are very cute! nancy
